Sunday, May 5, 2019

IA Public Build 1.0 - Final Content Release

It is here, the final content update for IA!

Soapmonster added some artwork that was not initially planned, and he was working to transition out of IA. These were the reasons why this final update took longer than usual, but it is now complete! You will see the epilogue images that we had talked about for a while! We hope you have enjoyed all of Soapmonster's hard work!

If you spot any lingering bugs, typos, or glitches let us know so we can make sure 1.0 of IA runs smoothly!

Previous saves from past builds are compatible!

1.0-Changelog (4/29/19)

New Content:
  • Added epilogue scene! Requires that you have completed the finale scene. Viewable in player's bedroom.
  • IA's game content is now complete! Future updates will  focus on bug fixes and possibly adding mod support.
  • Grandma Edna now appears before Kacey and Vicky in the stats screen.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed typo in one of Grandma Edna's scenes.
  • Grandma Edna no longer puts her clothes on automatically for her blowjob scene revisit.


  1. Replies
    1. Please make more games like this. It was honor to test out alpha

    2. Download link in this post does not work any more. Also the Download link on the main page only points back to the main page. So how on earth can I try/download IA 1?



  2. Thank you very much for this wonderful game :)

  3. Probably my favorite adult game. Can't wait for your next work.

  4. Definitely one of my favourite adult games. It's sad to see it end but I understand why. Thanks for making such an amazing game and I very much look forward to your next project.

  5. my favorite adult game, Thank you very much for this wonderful game

  6. Awesome game and art, the art of the final solo scene with grandmother was the best by far, one of my favorite games I hope you keep the great work and art with anoter game.

  7. So I'am playing on 0,51 I think and I have this weird error message appearing on my screen and it says something like "couldn't roll back" something about "user name" and something about a file. I pressed something on this gray screen and sended me back to the beginning of the game but to the part where I only had 3 characters. And I also got something like a debug menu which is weird. I think the problem is that I maxed out the big sister and the mom first before I did the small sister and it skipped some scenes I think. It also could have happened because I changed my name or something but I'am not sure. I might have to machine that I said no to all of the characters when the pregnancy question came up wich might be a problem but I don't know. Iam playing on a downloaded MEGA version I got from a website on a android device. I have a little question too. Was it okay from me to unlock all the scenes from outside after I got the sex scenes with the whole family and is it really the end after the family sex scene? I really would appreciate a little help from the community or from the developers because I don't know what to do. I will try to write everything down from the error message next time I get it and I will also try to check if someone has a solution to my problem because I don't want to get out of incognito and I'am also too lazy to make a 1 time use account. Thanks for the game. It's been a blast. - Alva

    1. I'll just found a F ing gang bang with all characters ending lol and the grandma knew that nate is fucking with everyone. I laught so hard.

  8. will there be an update from this version
    I hope why? because there are still scenes of each female character that are lacking or perhaps epilogue scenes are added for example Nate has sex with all the characters of a woman who is pregnant or something else, essentially I hope the epilogue scene is added.

  9. how do you get vicky guys ;(

    1. Do the typing Mini game.. You have nothing to do in this mini game if you play on a smartphone.

  10. Well, I followed this game since it was on patreon, and I must say this was great, Im a little sad it ended but happy you managed to finish this even with all the troubles. Good luck with your next project!

  11. I beg for the next version of the update there are many new scenes for all characters like Kira, Vicky, Ednan, Kacey, and Simone. Please, because I really like this game very much

    1. I don't know why but I beg for voice acting and maybe soft Animation and not just pngs all the time. Which I have no problem with by the way. Heck, I would even willing to help. Even tho Iam a realy bad animator and the last Animation I made was ages ag

  12. Great project, sad to see it end so soon. I know you're done with the game but an epilogue scene with each character (not just Kira) would have been phenomenal. That final artwork was just the best though. Anyway, thank you guys for your hard work! There will always be harddrive space on my computer for this!

  13. Are you planning on making any extra content for the game? Like holiday scenes?

  14. Will there be an update? if there is, the epilogue scene is not just Kira but with all the female Characters, it will be a better impression and Thank You for those who have tried.
    I am always waiting for Your work to be updated.

  15. I am always waiting for updates for this games

  16. please give us a definite answer about this game, because I or everyone likes this game

  17. So this is the end
    What new game are you going to make

    1. We are currently working on Erolon: Dungeon Bound!

  18. (My English is not very good, I will use a translator so do not hit hard, please.)
    I am very grateful to you for this wonderful game, it is IDEAL in the design, dialogues, humor, in everything.
    Due to the fact that the game was transferred only recently, but, the past saves did not work for me .... I had to start anew. It is a pity that I accidentally spied the end in comments ..... And there it is written about some idea about the continuation (it may be inaccurate so I can not vouch for it) I will very much hope to continue, but for now I will try to play your new game . Once again, HUGE FROM MY SOUL THANKS !!!!!!!!!

  19. Great game guys! I know I’m late to state this but this by far has some of my favorite characters for an adult game! Appreciate all the hard work by the writers and artist(s)!

  20. I wanted a scene of sam getting fucked while pregnant :c

    1. I'd love to have that added in the game. Sam was my favorite character.

  21. 我希望能继续做出新内容,付费我也愿意,感谢制作组这些日子的努力给大家带来如此的精品。

  22. No lo e jugado pero del 1 al 10 10 es la mejor

  23. Download link in this post does not work any more. Also the Download link on the main page only points back to the main page. So how on earth can I try/download IA 1?


  25. I.A (1) link:

  26. Your Mega account was closed, game download gone.
