Just in case anyone is having any trouble transferring saves files from their android phone, here is a quick guide on how to do it:
You can't actually find the save file on your android phone due to the android OS restricting you. Instead, you have to plug the phone into your computer, and then look for the following folders: Phone --> Android --> data --> ia2.ver004.alpha (or whatever version it currently is) --> files --> saves
You can see an example picture below of the folder structure when using a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone and plugging it into a windows 10 PC.
You take that "saves" folder, and when you update to a new version (like 0.05) you have to copy that folder into the new ia2.ver005.alpha folder the same way. That will transfer your saves.
Hopefully this makes sense and will help our android players be able to transfer over their saves and not have to start over every time they update to a new version!
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